Beauty and Grit

Beauty and Grit

So autumn fades, winter approaches…damp in the air and low sun sets for dazzling roads and harsh lighting on the no cloudy days.  So when approached by Make-up artist Selina J. to work on a fashion shoot with Vanessa Antonia, I suggested a well known derelict...
Family Photoshoots

Family Photoshoots

A couple of weeks ago, catching the tail end of the British Summer, I had the pleasure of doing a photoshoot for a family represented by 3 generations! Gran and Grandad, Mum and Granddaughter! Armed with my trusty 7D, a flashgun on a stand and a shoot through...
A View from Buckstones

A View from Buckstones

When challenged with a limitation of 17mm at the wide end of my only available lens, the fantastic Canon EF-S 17-55 2.8, I decided to try my hand at a free hand panorama. I wouldn’t normally, but the latest Lightroom and Photoshop offerings just make this a...


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Wild Camping on Marsden Moor//GoldenLandscapes

Wild Camping on Marsden Moor//GoldenLandscapes

Following a 2 day trip to Llangollen for a family wedding, 28 hours later I set off for a wild camp on Marsden Moor to try and capture some of Yorkshires finest landscapes. Before we get to the images, here are a few essential pointers for you should you go for a wild...