Straight off the heels of the #Blacklivesmatter demo on saturday, I had a shoot booked with Sarah Angel – one of the most distintive models I have seen gracing the pages of Purpleport.
I put to her the idea of following the BLM shoot with something inspired by it. First of all was the fashion, which we agreed to be 70’s based loosely of course. Then there was the protest element. One thing I’ve come to loathe in recent months is the argument ‘But all lives matter!’ which to me misses the point. So I knocked up a protest board for Sarah to hold. The best way I heard it put, if your neighbours house is on fire, you don’t refuse to call the fire brigade because ‘all houses matter!’
Finally, there is the attitude that comes through so well with Sarah. Of the last photo in this post, one commentator said “Very evocative of a sixties album cover somehow!”. Great result. Soul.